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HIV / AIDS Treatment Guidelines

As a med student in an urban area (and most likely anywhere) you are likely to treat at least one patient with HIV/AIDS. You may even have the opportunity to rotate through a clinic that exclusively treats HIV patients. In all cases you should be familiar with where to look to get a handle on the disease, the epidemic, and the drug regimens used to manage HIV.

For a highly informative overview on the state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic visit the CDCs dedicated site here:

For the latest in treatment guidelines, including pediatrics and adolescents, visit the NIH's AIDS info site here


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Bilal Shanti said...

A panel of leading AIDS specialists has developed recommendations for the use of anti-retroviral medications in people with HIV. These recommendations are based on the best information available at the time they were developed. AIDSinfo, a program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, regularly refines and updates the recommendations as knowledge about HIV infection evolves.

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Thank you for sharing this information. I think the guidelines will help us cure the disease. The overview seems very useful.

Anonymous said...

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This is really helpful for references.

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Short but really a big help. Thank you:)

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this information.I think the guidelines will help us cure the disease. The overview seems very useful.
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