Histology & Pathology

Histology is an essential course that often gets a bad wrap due to the hours spent staring at slides made 40 years ago on light microscopes that are also about that age. Recently there has been a push to move the content online and use interactive modules which is a definite improvement. Once you get oriented to the staining techniques, planes of tissue sections, and magnification, you can actually get a lot out off histology.
Pathology is a continuation of histology, the idea being that you're now stellar understanding of normal tissue will help you interpret pathology. Gross specimens are also incorporated.
  • Histology Downloads
    • Histology Outline (cost $4) - A 33 pg. illustrated outline subdivided into 8 sections: epithelia, skeletal muscle, connective tissue, cartilige & bone, blood, skin & tissue renewal, bone marrow & hematopoesis, lymph tissue organs
  • Histology & Pathology Online Resources
    • Webpath - A truly fabulous collection of histology and pathology images with explanations, self-exams and more.
*when you make a purchase you will be taken to Paypal (no account required). After you pay,
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